To inculcate the qualities of leadership, social service, discipline and patriotism among the youth the college is running NSS, Rover and Rangers programme, red ribbon and eco-club in the college.
Presently the college has 1 full N.S.S. unit comprising 100 students. In this unit 33% seats are reserved for the girls. The students who attend 240 hrs. of social service and attend over 7 days special Camp are given a special benefit of 2% marks at the time of admission in the HP University courses.Rover and Rangers: -
Rovers and Rangers is a worldwide association of well disciplined volunteers. It has two wings, one for girls (Rangers) and other for boys (Rovers) having 20 seats in each wing.Eco Club: -
Eco club has been formed in the college. 20 volunteers are enrolled in the beginning of the academic session. The main function of the club is to make the students aware of handling the environment or environmental issues.Red Ribbon Club:-
Red Ribbon Club has been formed in the college to conduct the regular activities to encourage voluntary blood donation and increase awareness about AIDS and its related issues.Road Safety Club :-
Keeping in view the rising number of road accidents in the present times, this club is actively working for stimulating the students about the road safety rules and signs. Various activities like high profile lectures, poster making, collage making, rallies, slogan writing, play card making and debates etc. are organized for the students welfare and awareness.Parents Teachers Association (PTA):-
Parents, being one of the important stakeholders in education, have an important advisory role in the smooth functioning of college. Every parent whose ward is studying in the college and teachers of the college are the members of this Association. PTA Executive Body consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a few nominated members. They are elected by virtue of elections/consensus of the house every year. Regular meetings of PTA are held to discuss various issues related to the development of the college and welfare of students.